I am a Photographer that believes you should own your pictures, so all my prices include a disc with your portraits.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


This photo shoot was really chilly, and we had to take warm up breaks. But you would never know now, they turned out so great! I took their pictures this summer when he was born and I love to see how much they have changed. They are the cutest kids! Thanks for the fun shoot~


Nathan and Annie Miller said...

I remember the first pictures you took of them! What cuties! I love the contrast in their two different eye colors.

Ankle Fixer said...

You are right, you can't tell they are cold pictures! Great job. I agree with Annie, you captured the contrasting eye colors perfectly! Someday you have to head this direction so you can do my family photos on the beach. It would be so fun!

Melissa said...

Sorry, Justin was not really Justin but me Melissa!

Bon said...

Perfect and precious just like always Miranda! You really have some amazing talent! I love seeing all of your work!!:)